8 Tips For Winter Driving And Storage Of A Porsche

18 December 2014
 Categories: Automotive, Blog


Just like with any other automobile, it's important to prepare a Porsche for winter driving. Whether you are storing it or planning on driving throughout the winter, your car needs some prep work. Here are some tips for prepping your vehicle for the winter months:

  1. Get a tune-up. During a tune-up, your mechanic will inspect the hoses, fluid levels, and belts. If any need to be changed, they will be changed. Worn hoses are more susceptible to freezing and bursting which could leave your car inoperable.
  2. Consider snow tires. If you live in an area in which there is heavy snowfall during the winter, snow tires might be a better choice for driving on the roads. The tires have more traction on the road and lessen the likelihood you would skid.
  3. Buy new wiper blades. One of the biggest challenges you can face during the winter is driving through icy rain and snow. Change out your blades before the cold weather hits. 
  4. Wax your car. If you are storing the car, apply a few coats of wax to it before you store it. The wax will help to protect your car's finish from contaminants. The wax also helps protect it from corrosion caused by condensation from differing temperatures.
  5. Vacuum the interior. Dirt that is left to sit on your car's interior can dull its sheen. Crumbs in your car can also attract bugs and rodents. Both bugs and rodents can damage the interior of your car.
  6. Disconnect the battery. When storing the car, remove the battery. Taking out the battery helps to keep it from running down. Occasionally throughout the winter, connect the battery to a charger to help keep it working.
  7. Change the oil and filter. When you start the car during the winter months, contaminants that are caused by cold starts during the winter can build up. This can cause engine trouble. Changing your oil and filter can help reduce the likelihood of this happening.
  8. Store the car without the handbrake applied. The winter weather could cause the brake to seize and become stuck in place. Instead, try to store your car on a flat surface with chocks on the wheels. 

Winter weather preparation can take a few days to complete, but it is well worth it. When the winter has passed, your car will come out on the other side more than ready to continue down the road. Have more questions? Contact a company like Cape Auto Repair for help.